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Donate to Ontario Feral Cat Project

The Ontario Feral Cat Project operates entirely off of grants and donations. Without supporters like you we would not be able to function. We are a 501(c)3 charity, #27-2595437, so all donations are tax deductable.

Wish List

We are often in need of supplies as well. If you would rather donate items they can be dropped off at Four Rivers Veterinary Clinic in Ontario. These are the ones we currently need the most:


  • Science Diet Kitten dry cat food

  • Tidy Cats non-clumping litter

  • Friskies canned cat food

  • KMR


OFCP Endowment Fund

The Ontario Feral Cat Project now has an Endowment Fund.  The Endowment Fund will provide assets that support the Ontario Feral Cat Project into perpetuity.  Your specified donation to the Endowment Fund will be invested and a portion of the annual earnings will be returned to the project for operating purposes, which include TNR activities, cat medical care, kitten care, preparation for adoption, Feral Colony care and day to day operation of the Constance McCullough House.  The initial designated monies and a portion of the earnings will be reinvested to continue growing for future support of our Project. 


The Ontario Feral Cat Project is a non-profit organization funded completely by community donations and grants.  Our volunteers are our only staff.  Our mission is to care for feral and abandoned cats in our community, seeking forever homes for as many as possible, and a reasonable quality of life for feral cats in our community.  As the Endowment Fund grows, our goal is to continue growing the project in order to support our mission.    


The Endowment Fund is opened and handled through Cetera Investment Services, LLC., a part of CB Financial Services.  Amy Jamison is our Financial Advisor.  Her job will be to advise the Board of Directors on the most profitable investing strategy for the Endowment Fund.  Amy’s contact information will be provided upon request.  


Donations to the Endowment Fund for the Ontario Feral Cat Project can be made directly to the Ontario Feral Cat Project, with information specifically designating your donation to the Endowment Fund.   Donations made in memorial will also be designated to the Endowment Fund, as a lasting, giving gift for those remembered. 


Every cat and kitten touched by the Ontario Feral Cat Project thanks you for your donations to our Endowment Fund.   If you have any questions, please contact us.

Ontario Feral Cat Project

A volunteer-run 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to managing and caring for the feral and stray cat populations in Ontario, Oregon.

Location: 84 NW 2nd St.

Mailing: P.O. Box 44

Ontario, OR 97914


Tax ID/EIN 27-259437

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